Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Gratitude Attitude....

I'm feeling rather Grinchy and in need of an attitude adjustment... of course that is hard when one wants to wallow in self pity and self loathing. So instead of worrying about all I don't have and all I can't do.... I needed to stop myself and remember what I do have and what I can do and what I have done...
This year was right up there with hard years, right up at the top... maybe tied... but that being said... I have successfully completed 18 more credits towards my degree, found and semi-maintained my own apartment, wrangled two kids through graduation and two through kindergarten, and one out of elementary and into middle school. 
I have NOT killed, lost, permanently maimed, relocated, renamed, locked up or duct-taped ANY of the children, at least not for an extended period of time...
I have NOT sent any letter bombs, death threats, black roses, condolence cards or the police to my Ex's house.
I have NOT mouthed off at people at work complaining about their $1200.00 a month child support being to low or the $900 in food stamps not being enough, or the fact that they have 5 bazillion kids with 14 bazillion baby daddy's and don't know who the fathers are and really don't care. 
I have NOT had a car accident, a plane crash or a golf-cart mis-hap (knock on wood)
I have NOT had to have my hip replaced, my back fused, my toes amputated or my arms elongated.
I have NOT had to buy wigs or color my hair purple. (not on purpose)
I have NOT put a hit out on the kids dad so we can get survivors benefits from social security instead of child support.
I am grateful for the following things that I have:
I HAVE beautiful children, it keeps them breathing, trust me!
I HAVE a strong mind, otherwise I'd be psycho (kinda)
I HAVE a roof over my head and we're not over anyone else's, (could you imagine the noise if we lived above you?)
I HAVE a vehicle that safely transports 27 kids but I don't have too
I HAVE a great boss that hasn't fired me and only laughs at the antics of my children because she's been there.
I HAVE a job that is 30 minutes away from home, gives me time to cool down so I don't kill anyone that has called me 300 times to tattle on someone, or sliced screen doors with screwdrivers, or went to school an hour early crossing a busy road all by themselves because someone else was asleep.
I HAVE an ex that is 1500 miles away, because that would really be complicated trying to hide bodies when you don't have a yard.
I HAVE cousins that are Eco friendly, because it's going to take ALOT of green work to undo what the twins did in disposable diapers...
I HAVE absolutely wonderful friends that haven't killed me in all of my wallowing and haven't smothered me in my sleep.
I HAVE amazing co-workers that remind me it doesn't hurt to smile or laugh, my face won't crack, I won't get wrinkles (immediately) and I will be able to breath after-the-fact....
I HAVE made it though another year.... alive! kinda...
I HAVE the opportunity to make next year FABULOUS

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