I'm not sure when all of this is going down, I'm going to try to extend my fmla to the end of July, but only if I can still qualify for the leave bank so I still get paid. If not, back I go.... just have to convince the dr to sign off on it... hmmmm. And while all of this is going one we're moving... again...
This time we're leaving the valley.... I think I've done my time, and while I love my friends and family here, Salt Lake has been no good for me... there's nowhere I could live that didn't have some kind of memory attached to it... Salt Lake just hasn't been lucky for me. So we're going to try on Layton for size. Now that Shyanne is done with school we're free to leave the valley.... so the first place I inquired at let us walk right into a place, and considering our rental history and my credit, I took it as a sign it's suppose to be this way. We'll be closer to mom and scott, I've never lived close to my parent since I've had kids, it might be interesting and even fun to pop in and visit without it being an all day ordeal...
So here's where we're going in Layton....

it's affordable and will be home for the next year at least. I have my concerns... Hunter mostly... got brought home here by the cops for damaging a neighbors fence.... he's so discombobulated and just doesn't deal well with the change and chaos and acts out... I feel so bad juggling him around like I do, he needs stability, a foundation, roots... the other kids seems to be able to roll with the punches, whether they like it or not doesn't matter, they adapt... but Hunter... well, I don't think he knows he's acting out but every other day I have some nasty lady yelling at me for him throwing dirt clods or whatever it is he does.... he's a boy. He does boy things... He doesn't follow the social norm very well and marches to the beat of his own drum, I respect him for that... but it also makes life so hard. I hate seeing him in trouble all the time. I'm tired of him always being wrong or bad... it hurts my feelings... maybe I'm too sensitive, maybe I worry about him too much... he is sooooo smart, he's freaking brilliant and I hate to see people catagorize him as a bad kid... I don't want him to cause any trouble at the new place, I just want to fly under the radar and Hunter seems to make that impossible... my fingers are crossed, my prayers are said... , I love the kid with everything I have, I just want to have things simple for a minute... or two....
wish us luck...
I'm so disappointed. I wanted you to move over by me. "Course we don't have a lot to give.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping and praying that things go well for you now, that things settle down and heal, and you can breathe and relax..painfree, all of you. It will be good to be by your mom and Scott. It will strengthen your family. Please take care of yourself. We love all of you. I hope you'll always know that.
P S Check out the spiral staircase and the great kitchen, and the pool....................
ReplyDeleteMan! You're moving slightly farther from me, too! Argh! But like my mother, I have to comment on the spiral staircase. That's awesome. Does that mean this is a townhome?
ReplyDeleteSorry about your woes -- physical, emotional, psychological, etc. I don't pretend to be dealing with what you're dealing with, but parenting has been no picnic for me lately and I'm sometimes very depressed about it. So, as much as is possible, I empathize with you. On the bright side, maybe a certain someone will get his head stuck between the bars of your spiral staircase and won't be able to bother anybody for a while. I'm kind of jealous.